Everything you need to know in order to win the monopoly game at mcdonalds.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mcdonalds Monopoly Game 2012 Rare Pieces

These are the rare pieces for the 2012 McDonalds Monopoly Blog:

Virginia Avenue
Kentucky Avenue
Tennesee Avenue
Vermont Avenue
Ventnor Avenue
Mediterranean Avenue
Pennsylvania Avenue
Short Line

A general rule to know which game piece is rare is that the rare pieces are always the last one Alphabetically in each set. The only exception to this rule is the Boardwalk piece.

As usualy you can still send in self-addressed stampled envelopes and get free game pieces. You should receive 4 stamps for every SASE that you send out.

This applies to the Canada and United States versions of the monopoly game and not the UK version.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

McDonalds Monopoly is coming to an end
here is the best and only first program Ace ever made that is working... Welcome everyone here is the
McDonalds Monopoly Code Generator


10:20 PM


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